
Showing posts from October, 2012

Marxism and Mysticism: A Plea for a Dialogue

It is asserted by some Marxist critics of religion that Marxism and Mysticism should not be compared. Mysticism is ahistorical and it is concerned only with the individual salvation and it ignores injustice and oppression in the world. All these assertions don’t bear close scrutiny. To have a historical sense implies to be concerned with the present reality, to be concerned with transforming it, to be aware of material or temporal factors affecting our present reality. Mysticism has deep historical sense in all these senses. Prophets have originated civilizations and mystics have embellished it, beautified it, developed it. All great thinkers, with few exceptions, in all traditional civilizations have been either mystics or influenced significantly by mysticism. Most of great revolutionaries in history have mystical training or orientation. Great traditional art and architecture has been moulded by mystical impulse. Great literature in traditional civilizations is essentially mystic

Philosophy Illiterate Society

It is vain or futile to lament all kinds of degenerations afflicting our society. What is needed is suggesting and working for cure. I think we must target education. And in education we need to focus on something that is so little known even to MAs in education or educationists and intellectuals. A philosophy illiterate society that ours is ill equipped against multiple crises currently challenging us including corruption. We are talking of guarding our heritage without bothering to campaign for creating necessary human resource or infrastructure. Average student here doesn’t know anything of philosophy and thus of the knowledge of general principles of all disciplines, of the knowledge that synthesizes discordant and heterogeneous bits of information in a certain coherent framework. We know much about individual sciences, physical and biological but are mostly ignorant of methodology and philosophy of science. That is why we have been unable to inculcate scientific attitude. Moder

Curriculum Vitae of Muhammad Maroof Shah

                                                                           Abstract of C V Muhammad Maroof Shah, Author and Columnist Born in 1978 in Kashmir, Muhammmad Maroof Shah has Masters in Philosophy and Veterinary Parasitology and doctorate in English on  T h e   Proble m   o f   N ihilis m   and Absurdist I m pass e   i n   (Post) M oder n   L iterature :   A M etaphysica l   A ppraisa l   o f   Sa m ue l   B ecket t   an d  A lber t   C a m u s.  He has authored three books  The Problem of Evil in Muslim Philosophy: A Case Study of Iqbal, Muslim Modernism and the Problem of Modern Science  and  Perennial Philosophy in the Postmodern World: Enigma of Osho .  His interests include explorations on the interface of religion, philosophy and mysticism with more focus on Islamic Tradition in dialogue with other traditions. He has widely published in journals of comparative mysticism, Muslim philosophy and literary studies. He has been a regular columnist for English